Recently I decided to do some I KNOW BUT posts. These are just my own simple way to get rid of the dead smelly things that stuck to me. Writing somehow makes everything simple & organized. Then I just scratch it out of my mind. Some people drink, some talk, I write & then forget about it!

Jian is so big now. I look at her & see pieces of me, pieces of Kamal. She talks as if she is not 3 but 30 years old. My little bear is growing up. Is there any way to stop this moment, so that she remains this small & I could spend rest of my life just staring at her!

I know Jian will evolve to a butterfly but I want her to remain my caterpillar for eternity.

I know I will pass eventually but I don't want to spend so much time away from my girl reading books.

I know I should get up early but the winter makes it mission impossible.

I know my husband is trying to help me, but why do I take it as an insult!

I know I am a good mom but sometimes I have these doubts.

I know money is not everything, but sometimes it feels like it is!

I know I take bad photos but I think after 365 it will probably change.

I know coffee is bad for you but I am definitely addicted.

I know I shouldn't shout but nobody understands me when I am calm.

I know my daughter might turn into this angry, yelly teenager but these pictures will make me forgive her!

I know it's only day 5 but I think I can stick to it....(please God make me superman)

I know friends are very hard to find but some can be so selfish & some are just saints!

I know negative things eat your energy but it also gives you strength!!





  1. You know it is just too impossible for me to pick favourites. You are both talented. Your love for her is so evident in every photograph. You both capture her magic. I love them all and it is wonderful that you are doing a 365 project to improve your photography. I already think that it is quite good and it is sure to get even better with all of this practice.

  2. haha, the best one was "I know I shouldn't shout but nobody understands me when I am calm. "


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