I think this challenge is going to be the easiest one for me. In a typical everyday I would be making a list for the next day, things like Home organizing, my exam study topics, Jian's essential- these three are my top priority lists for the next few months.I usually make my list & then cut off the line if I am done with it. My friends used to make jokes about my obsession with organizing. Someone once even said I should start a organizing business & such. After Jian was born I was obsessed with her safety. Slowly by meditation I learned to let go. My goals became more positive & realistic-
1. Lose my pregnancy weight: Recently my dad had a hip fracture. He had been diabetic for almost 30 years. Due to renal problems his bones are now thin & they break easily. This was a quite awaking moment for me. Now I just want my body to be fit.So that I would be able to take care of Jian with more passion. My healthy life choices will influence her body & mind,too.
2. Do regular library works: My exam is on January. So I am in the process of preparing for this four step finale. I would be going to the library at noon, read my notes for 3 to 4 hours, then practicing hand examinations on my lovely little angels i.e. my patients. Pray for me friends. I really need to pass.
3. Improve the look of my Blog: As I am new in this world, I am eagerly learning & changing little thing everyday. I didn't even know anything about photo editing, resizing... let alone banners or templates.
4. Initiate healthy eating & yoga: Everyday I do this 5 to 10 minutes yoga. I have decreased the ratio of carbs, eating more proteins , having my meals with 4 to 5 hour interval, fasting with detoxifying & cleaning my house as workout sessions. I already lost 8 pounds without going to the gym. But I intend to go soon. May be I will start going to the versity pool. I just love swimming. Swimming & exercising at the same time how cool that's going to be!
5. Enjoy a simple & green life: I used to think you really have to have lot of cash to be green. But recently I discovered, if we just change our priorities we are already green. I don't buy unnecessary baby products. Usually donate everything that I don't need at the moment. Some people like to clench out to things for far out futures. But If we can help somebody now why not? We should just think for a bit before buying things like where I am going to put them, do I really need this, is this going to simplify my life? Being a mother it's hard not to buy the most precious toys & baby goodies. Believe me I have faced my share of demons. But I learned from my baby that no matter what you buy them all they want is to be with you, the words that come out of our mouth, the simplest gestures of love are the most wanteds by our love birds! No matter how expensive or amazing toy I give her, she ends up playing with my silly, smelly hair or just my hands. Oh! I feel so special then.
I think this challenge is going to be the easiest one for me. In a typical everyday I would be making a list for the next day, things like Home organizing, my exam study topics, Jian's essential- these three are my top priority lists for the next few months.I usually make my list & then cut off the line if I am done with it. My friends used to make jokes about my obsession with organizing. Someone once even said I should start a organizing business & such. After Jian was born I was obsessed with her safety. Slowly by meditation I learned to let go. My goals became more positive & realistic-
1. Lose my pregnancy weight: Recently my dad had a hip fracture. He had been diabetic for almost 30 years. Due to renal problems his bones are now thin & they break easily. This was a quite awaking moment for me. Now I just want my body to be fit.So that I would be able to take care of Jian with more passion. My healthy life choices will influence her body & mind,too.
2. Do regular library works: My exam is on January. So I am in the process of preparing for this four step finale. I would be going to the library at noon, read my notes for 3 to 4 hours, then practicing hand examinations on my lovely little angels i.e. my patients. Pray for me friends. I really need to pass.
3. Improve the look of my Blog: As I am new in this world, I am eagerly learning & changing little thing everyday. I didn't even know anything about photo editing, resizing... let alone banners or templates.
4. Initiate healthy eating & yoga: Everyday I do this 5 to 10 minutes yoga. I have decreased the ratio of carbs, eating more proteins , having my meals with 4 to 5 hour interval, fasting with detoxifying & cleaning my house as workout sessions. I already lost 8 pounds without going to the gym. But I intend to go soon. May be I will start going to the versity pool. I just love swimming. Swimming & exercising at the same time how cool that's going to be!
5. Enjoy a simple & green life: I used to think you really have to have lot of cash to be green. But recently I discovered, if we just change our priorities we are already green. I don't buy unnecessary baby products. Usually donate everything that I don't need at the moment. Some people like to clench out to things for far out futures. But If we can help somebody now why not? We should just think for a bit before buying things like where I am going to put them, do I really need this, is this going to simplify my life? Being a mother it's hard not to buy the most precious toys & baby goodies. Believe me I have faced my share of demons. But I learned from my baby that no matter what you buy them all they want is to be with you, the words that come out of our mouth, the simplest gestures of love are the most wanteds by our love birds! No matter how expensive or amazing toy I give her, she ends up playing with my silly, smelly hair or just my hands. Oh! I feel so special then.
So much to learn from this list