I have to be always on the go. May be I will go to the hospital & my mother will call me,Then I will be rushing to their house. So I have to be ready. Keep something for Jian in my bag if I don't have time later on. I mean I don't use a diaper bag. Jian is not this little baby anymore, needing 2 sets of cloths, bottles or diapers, YEA! My girl is now potty trained. She can hold her pee even. I am so proud of her, but sometimes I miss all that. You know... carrying a big diaper bag through the whole world. Our large diaper bag from Pierre Cardin was a gift from my brother. It was so dandy moving through Nepal & Malaysia. They have all these various compartments & a changing pad even. We loved it & it proved to be quite durable for 2 to 3 years, even through intense traveling.
For last couple of months I am using a large bag that can hold my books & Jian's essentials. I don't use make up except in parties from the time I was pregnant. I believe in natural beauty & trying to implement that on myself as much as possible. List of things that I am carrying lately-
1. A kitty hand fan
2. My keys
3. One set of cloth for dripping accidents
4. Body shop strawberry butter for my skin & lips
5. My sunglasses
6. Jian's sunglasses
7. My wallet with money, my Amex card, hair clips & Jian's pictures
8. Hand sanitizer
9. Some books
10. Buiscuits
11. Color pens
12. Tissues
13. A toy
14. Hair comb
15. Jian's insect bite cream
16. A nail cutter
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