This is a hard one for me. I have so many that it's quite hard for me to choose. I always thought May be 10 years from now I will be rewarded for being hell of a great mom, so I have ton of time to practice my speech about my proudest moment. But gosh! I am not ready yet. So here it goes...
My proudest moment was when I hold my baby for the first time in my arms. Even after 3 years, my eyes just watered up. I still can't believe that I have this amazing gift of god, that I have carried inside me for like 9 months. I had to go through a c- section for being a high risk mother. EVERYBODY was like you are so soft, you won't be able to continue hardcore training with a baby inside you. One of my professor even thought that pregnancy & training can't go together. He insulted me for being pregnant at the time of my residency. I just thought how the hell he can be a child doctor! I mean all these great moms doing so many things like cooking, photographing, hiking, running, taking over the internet...
I am not angry at anybody for being so cruel. I just pray for them. Being a mom is the hardest thing of all, but it's also the most rewarding thing. We found out we were pregnant at January, completed my 6 month training ( including doing extra shifts because I was pregnant) I gave birth at 22 August. The whole time I was so fit & strong. I did yoga, meditated everyday for 2 times & did this visualization & autosuggestion thing for natural child birth. But in the end my Doctor didn't want to risk anything as I had hyperthyroidism, negative blood group, GDM...all of which predisposes to PPH...risking both mother & child health.
Having a C-section is not that easy,too. As a doctor I knew all the steps, which was terrifying. I had to bear this unbearable pain of incisions for next 24 hours & I couldn't bath for 7 days to keep the cut site dry. I had no milk for 20 hours, which is a common side effect of C-sections...so Jian was crying crazy like 20 hours & she hated the bottle.My husband's one elder sister (did I ever tell you he has 6 sisters & 5 brothers! May be in another post) was pressing on my breasts so hard that she cut my nipple! As I was the doctor everybody was complaining to me about everything, so I couldn't even sleep in peace. I was so hungry, because I had to stay NPO (nothing per oral) for 24 hours or more. I have this aunt who had 2 natural births & a C-section at third time. I asked her which one was harder? she said "Definitely the C-section". So guys I am very proud of you for being mighty strong & giving natural birth but having a hard ass C-section after 6 months of intense training & holding MY JIAN after all that..... is my proudest moment.
What an extraordinary story! I did not know the wonderful tale of your pregnancy & birth with Jian. It is beautiful. All mothers should be proud -- natural birth, c-section, and so on. No matter how it happens, it is an incredible, miraculous act. Jian is so lucky to have a brave & strong mother like you. I truly admire how you kept so fit during your pregnancy! That is wonderful. I wish I had done more. I spent a lot of time on the couch, eating too much rich food... I let my constant nausea get to me. :) You are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteActually I am still is in the process of losing the pregnancy weight..I couldn't lose weight due to my constant study time of 6 to 9 hours..sitting all that time in the chair really got to me! I don't have any time to go to the gym, so I am TRYING LITTLE BIT of yoga...it's working slowly.