Many of you know that Cardiology means Heart related studies..not literally but close. I am, for almost 5 days trying to read my Cardiology portion for the exam of course. Funny how things you need to learn in life are taught by your 3 yr old daughter! No matter how many books you read, how many Higher Degrees you comes to a point where you stand on a verge of a emotional mountain, feeling so lonely, insecure but a little warm hand comes out of no where & holds you tight. Changes everything in you, turns your life upside down invariably. You stop thinking only about you, you start loving who you are...exactly the way you are..unpolished & uncut..full of cellulite & messed up hair!

You all know about my recent incident! But all my friends came for my rescue. I am so relieved knowing I am not the only mom out there being all crazy & messed up...or so as MY DEAR HUSBAND ALWAYS SAYS! I have realized, like the heart, we are very complicated in our own unique way. All the veins & arteries have these awesome little but very important jobs. Some take unclean blood to the lungs, while others supply fresh blood to our body. Everything has it's own functions & lifetime. Too much fat clogs these vessels & the heart stops. Too much stress releases these bad chemicals which also affects the heart. And you all know about the heart ache right! What about loving somebody? Does that affect your heart,too? It skips a heart beat or two. I mean why does it skip beats?

Did you know our fetal heart has all these alignments & even a little millimeter can mess up it's overall development? We got to feel blessed to have a full functioning heart & I am praying that no sorrow can build an awful heart ache, no evil can touch your heart!



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