36/365 BUSY BEE

Pictures do say thousand things at once. I usually don't like editing. But with so much going around you, you are bound to change a little. Your friends saying these things that they don't know about. Like what you should read for exams even though they have never attended any or opinions for you having no job. I love being a stay at home mom. But people around me just don't seem to get my point. My husband says I have become lazy. My brothers think I have grown fat & my friends think....spending time with my little baby is just an excuse for not getting a job. I mean I have no regrets who I am today. I am so happy being a mom. I never felt so beautiful & confident inside. Most of the time I am at peace with what ever life throws at me. Being a mom makes you strong & all carefree about stupid little details. But sometimes they just get to my nerve. Then again when I look at my blog & pictures of my little girl, taken by her lazy fat jobless mom, every little curve ball seems fair enough. So LIFE... BRING IT ON!!



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