I am a big fan of my religion Islam. I mean I pray, I read my holy Quran & I try to follow most of the rules & regulations. But I have always struggled with the concept of animal sacrifice. I used to have these silly questions when I was younger but now with the process of being a mother & having a new family but also making decisions for the old ones, made me realize everything has a reason. A definite purpose of some sort. Nothing just happens. No question remains unanswered if you really want to know the answer.
Keeping all the philosophy aside, Muslims have these aqiqah when a child is born. The parents must sacrifice a goat or the parents will not be able to call them their own in the day of resurrection. Jian today you were so heartbroken to know that the animals were going to be sacrificed even though you didn't really know what was happening. I better get some answers fast because I know you are going to get me soon! Do mothers are really able to answer their little ones when they ask why a goat has been sacrificed for them?



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